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- How do I change the zoom level in Windows 7? -

- How do I change the zoom level in Windows 7? -

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It also makes doing presentation much more enjoyable for both presenters and audients. Microsoft finally covered that piece and killed all other similar 3rd party apps to death. You can simply use the keyboard shortcuts to launch and close it to magnifier your entire desktop, i. You can also use the Len option to only magnifiers an area around the pointer which works just like the real magnifier moving on your desktop, or select the dock mode that shows the magnified area at the top of dock area.

Lens which in our opinion is the most useful for most scenarios is a smaller box of magnification which follows your mouse around the screen, whilst the rest of the screen stays at normal magnification.

You can change the size of the lens using the sliders in the menu. Unless you take full control of it with your mouse, which you can do with the Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center click here to download. This is a great application for getting more from your mouse and customizing its functions. With it, you can turn any of the buttons on your mouse into a hot button that launches and controls the magnify tool that allows you to zoom into your screen.

It also means that you can change the size of the magnification lens and the level of zoom on the fly, so you can be really dynamic when showing something, and respond better to your audience. You can customize each button to do certain things. Select it and then click on the back arrow at the top of the list next to your chosen button. You can customize all of the buttons like this, to perform different functions that are important to you, so the mouse becomes a much more useful tool.

There are three types of magnification:. With Full Screen , you can choose to preview the section of your screen that you want to zoom into first. When you zoom into it, you see just part of the window in full screen on your entire monitor. Control the zoom level by clicking and holding your chosen button and scrolling up to zoom in and down to zoom out of your screen.

With Lens , you have a popup window that zooms into the area of the screen that your cursor is pointing to and moves as you move the cursor. You can control the area of the magnification and clicking and holding the hot button on your mouse and then moving the mouse up, down, left, or right to resize and reshape the lens. Control the zoom as for Full Screen magnification. With Docked , the screen splits, so that there is a permanent zoom area at the top of the screen, allowing you to show the whole element AND a zoomed in section on the screen at the same time.

Now you can zoom in on your screen, all you need is some cool content to show. In PowerPoint, make it visual and use these awesome PowerPoint tips to achieve it. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Hold down the ctrl key while you use your mouse wheel to adjust the size of your desktop icons and or text.

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Quickly Zoom In and Out of Any Windows 7 Application


Popular Categories. All Categories. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy.

Cookie Settings. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Download Article Explore this Article methods. Related Articles. Article Summary. Method 1. Open the application or page you want to zoom in on. You can use keyboard shortcuts and gestures to zoom in and out on in most apps. This is helpful when you want to zoom in on something like a website or a photo. You can press this keyboard combination as many times as you need to zoom in for a closer look. If you're using a mouse with a scroll wheel, you can also zoom in by pressing the Ctrl key while you scroll the wheel upward.

If your PC has a touch screen, you can place two fingers together on the screen and spread them apart to zoom in. The zoom feature may not be available in all apps. As with zooming in, you can keep pressing the button to zoom out as far as you'd like to go.

If you're using a mouse with a scroll wheel, hold the Ctrl key while scrolling the wheel downward. If you have a touch screen, pinch two fingers on the screen to zoom out. Method 2. Go to source The tool will immediately magnify the entire screen until you change the settings.

If you're using Windows 7, click the Start button, type magnifier into the search bar, and then click Magnifier in the search results. This magnifies the entire screen. You can keep clicking this button until you reach the desired zoom level. The percentage e. Click the - to zoom out. As with zooming in, you can keep clicking this button until you're zoomed out to the desired level.

You can also zoom out by pressing the Windows key and the - minus key. Click the Views menu to choose where to zoom. The default option is to magnify the entire screen, but you have other options: Lens acts like a magnifying glass that you move around the screen.

Full-screen magnifies the entire screen the default. Docked magnifies a fixed portion of the screen in a bar or box. The zoomed content will appear in the box as you move the cursor around. Go to source. Click the gear icon to manage your Magnifier preferences. This opens the Magnifier panel in settings, where you can customize Magnifier to your liking. If you'd like Magnifier to launch automatically when you start your computer, select either Start Magnifier after sign-in or Start Magnifier before sign-in for everyone.

To change the default view, select an option from the "Choose a view" menu. Click the X at the top-right corner to close Magnifier.

Method 3. Open a web browser. All web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, have their own built-in zoom options that can be accessed from different menus. Open the web browser's menu. The location of nearly all browser menus is at the upper-right corner of the application.

Microsoft Edge: Three horizontal dots Google Chrome: Three vertical dots Mozilla Firefox: There horizontal lines Internet Explorer: If you're using this browser, click the View menu at the top and select the Zoom menu to access the zoom controls. You'll see a "Zoom" option on the menu of nearly all web browsers. The magnification level e. Clicking on the icon at the extreme right will activate the full screen mode hit F11 to exit full screen mode.

It's to the right of "Zoom. Reyhan Palakka. Your screenshot will be on the "pictures" tab on Windows Explorer. Not Helpful 4 Helpful 3.

If you are on Microsoft Edge, you can click the three dots in the top corner and then click the Xoom button five down. If you have a mouse, you can hold CTRL and scroll forwards or backwards to zoom in as well. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 2. Fig 7. Fig 8.

In Windows 7 the magnifier will only fully work with Full Screen mode and Lens mode if the "Aero" theme is applied, if other themes are used the View options "Full screen" and "Lens" cannot be accessed and Magnifier will only work in docked mode.

Note: If this does not work it could be because your computer settings cannot be changed due to local IT policies - contact your local IT support for further help. Our website uses web cookies in order to ensure you are provided with the best experience when navigating on our website. Read more about what cookies are and how they work in our Privacy Policy. This website works best with Javascript. Call our free helpline How to magnifying the screen in Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Tap 'Settings' then tap 'Ease of Access Center' from the search results. Using a mouse move the mouse pointer to the upper right hand corner of the screen, then move the pointer down to select 'Search' and enter Ease of Access in the search box.

On a touch-enabled device, swipe in from the right hand edge of the screen then tap 'Search' and enter Ease of Access in the search box. Tap 'Settings' then tap 'Ease of Access' from the search results. Full Screen Magnification Mode When the Magnifier starts, you will notice a magnifying glass icon appears on screen, Fig 3. Fig 3 Clicking on this gives access to the magnifier options dialog, Fig 4.

Use either the up or down arrow keys for the height and the left or right arrows for the width adjustments, Fig 9. Fig 9 In Windows 7 the magnifier will only fully work with Full Screen mode and Lens mode if the "Aero" theme is applied, if other themes are used the View options "Full screen" and "Lens" cannot be accessed and Magnifier will only work in docked mode.

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